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Sunday, 22 March 2015

How to get lowest auction price on eBay?

Who would want to get things from eBay with very low price. One way is to participate in auctions. eBay has it own autobidder but it will work for them not for you. It works on the princible that you will mark your highest bid and when someone overbids you it will bid until your maximum is reached. Well that way item price will be very high before the end. Ofcourse you might be lucky but still not very reasonable way.

I recommend to use Jbidwatcher. Follow these steps how to set up the program.

  1. Add desired item from eBay webiste to watchlist
  2. Open Jbidwatcher and open ebay->get my ebay items
  3. Then right click on the item and choose snipe
  4. Then you get prompted new windows where you can add you maximum price
  5. Click ok and see if you can win it.

So you ask what is the difference between Jbidwatcher and ebay bidder. Jbidwatcher starts to bid by default 30seconds before the auction ends. So you yourself wont get the price up too much. you can change the time whatever you like. I reccomet to change it to 5-10 seconds when the real life with auction begins. have fun sniping.

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