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Saturday, 5 March 2016

Remove uTorrent ads

uTorrent is the famouse bittorent client that has been my favorite from the start. Sadly they have gone ads way also and it is quite annoying. I have checked several other clients but they all seem to have same issue. Or yes then there are some without ads but quite nameless and ugly looking ones :D Ok then how can we get rid of those ads without paying for the Pro version. It´s Easy!!

To turn off adds follow these easy steps:

1. Open up utorrent and go to options-->preferences

2. Go to Advanced tab

3. Use Filter box to search these lines and disable those
  • offers.content_offer_autoexecgui.show_notorrents_node
  • bt.enable_pulse
  • offers.sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled/sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled
  • gui.show_plus_upsell
  • offers.left_rail_offer_enabled/left_rail_offer 
4. Press ok and you should be done. Some cases closing and again opening uTorrent will do the trick if no visual changes are visible at first.

Top Torrent sites 2016

Here is the list of most used torrent sites in 2016. While most of the sites remain same over the years we could see some newcomers.

1.  KickAssTorrents

This site was started in 2009 and now is eve more popular than good old PirateBay. It has changed many domain named due copyright laws and now uses Costa Rican one (.cr).

2. Thepiratebay

Oldtimes still exists. After numerous attempt to stop their existence they are still online. Sadly their popularity and amount of new torrents is getting lower and lower.

3. Extratorrent

This site is gaining more and more traffic due official site of popular release groups ETTV and ETRG.

4. Torrentz

This site is different from others. They do not host any torrents at all. They are like search engine of the torrents. Very useful.


Started from Bulgaria and gained wide popularity quickly. UK ISP-s blocked it and thats why its not in top 3 yet. 

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Use Windows Defender Offline to beat viruses

When your computer is infected with a virus that is resisting when you try to remove it via normal way (using online virus protection) you can use offline version of Windows Defender. Basically this is same piece of software you can see in live pc but the difference is that you will boot you computer up from usb stick where you have Windows Defender Software. This disables virus to boot up its files and to block virus protection and cleaning job. Some viruses take over you full computer so that you are unable to do anything with it then you are forced you use this was or to make clean install on operating system. Second option is obviously not very good one.

Firstly download Windows Defender Installer: (note atleast 1GB size USB stick is needed)(

1)32-bit version

2)64-bit version

When download is done click mssstool32.exe or mssstool64.exe. Then you will see the picture below where you need to click next.

Then you should see screen with startup media options. I would reccoment to use USB stick as it is easier to use.

Then you must choose the USB drive that you would like to use.

Now we need to accept that all the data will be deleted from the USB drive and it will be reformated.

 Now you can see the progress bar and details what files will be installed to your USB drive.

When this is all done you need to restart your computer and boot it up from USB drive. This might not be so simple as you need to enter BIOS and enable USB boot. Newer computer natively support it and then you need to press F1-F11 buttons or DEL button during bootup to see bootup options where you can choose USB drive.

Top 25 passwords in 2015

Every year there are lists where it is possible to see most common passwords that are used over the world. This list is mainly display to show what are so called bad passwords that you should never use. When you scroll down and check the list is cleary visible that all these are very easy to crack and you do not need to be hacker for that. Please always choose strong password to protect you personal data.
Behind every line in brakets there is listed change compared to previous year list.

  1. 123456 (0)
  2. password (0)
  3. 12345678 (+1)
  4. qwerty (+1)
  5. 12345 (-2)
  6. 123456789 (0)
  7. football (+3)
  8. 1234 (-1)
  9. 1234567 (+2)
  10. baseball (-2)
  11. welcome (new)
  12. 1234567890 (new)
  13. abc123 (+1)
  14. 111111 (+1)
  15. 1qaz2wsx (new)
  16. dragon (-7)
  17. master (+2)
  18. monkey (-6)
  19. letmein (-6)
  20. login (new)
  21. princess (new)
  22. qwertyuiop (new)
  23. solo (new)
  24. passw0rd (new)
  25. starwars (new)

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