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Saturday, 5 March 2016

Remove uTorrent ads

uTorrent is the famouse bittorent client that has been my favorite from the start. Sadly they have gone ads way also and it is quite annoying. I have checked several other clients but they all seem to have same issue. Or yes then there are some without ads but quite nameless and ugly looking ones :D Ok then how can we get rid of those ads without paying for the Pro version. It´s Easy!!

To turn off adds follow these easy steps:

1. Open up utorrent and go to options-->preferences

2. Go to Advanced tab

3. Use Filter box to search these lines and disable those
  • offers.content_offer_autoexecgui.show_notorrents_node
  • bt.enable_pulse
  • offers.sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled/sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled
  • gui.show_plus_upsell
  • offers.left_rail_offer_enabled/left_rail_offer 
4. Press ok and you should be done. Some cases closing and again opening uTorrent will do the trick if no visual changes are visible at first.

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